Follow Legendary investors

You don’t need to find new, unique investments to generate great returns. On the contrary, there is a veritable goldmine of knowledge and investment ideas hidden in studying the best investors in the world. 

On Borsgade we follow a number of ‘investment legends’. Both Nordic investors such Claus Wiinblad from the Danish pension fund ATP as a number of international investors such as Warren Buffett, Thomas Shrager and Seth Klarman.

Youy can read and follow their advice in the many articles, podcasts and videos below or study their portfolios and see which companies they buy and sell. You can find them all under the ‘Portfolios’ menu below.

Updated Portfolios

Investor News

Polen Capital: AI is transformative, but..

In this letter to shareholders, the team at Polen Capital shares their thoughts on AI. Despite all the hype, the Polen team has a constructive long-term outlook on AI’s transformative potential but advocates a patient, globally diversified, and active investment approach focused on quality companies, while being mindful of uncertainty and volatility along the way.

Mohnish Pabrai: My investment theses around coal companies

Mohnish Pabrai’s recently visited The University of Nebraska, where they discuss a number of interesting topics including advice for young investors, how to evaluating a management team, and his specific investment thesis of CONSOL Energy vs. IPSCO.

Cliff Asness: Overcoming investment pain

In this Bloomberg interviews, AQR co-founder Cliff Asness discuss the unpredictability of financial markets since 2002. He highlighted how extreme events, like the tech bubble and COVID-19, challenge assumptions. Asness emphasize how investors need to understand not only investment pain, but also the severity and duration.

Jason Zweig: These Grahams lessons are most relevant today

In this keynote address at the 2024 Value Investing Conference, Jason Zweig, tenured investing columnist for The Wall Street Journal, discussed the continued relevance of Benjamin Graham’s principles of value investing, 75 years after the publication of Graham’s classic “The Intelligent Investor”.

Michael Mauboussin: How to leverage investment patterns

In this episode of Capital Allocators, Michael Mauboussin explores one of his most recent pieces on “Pattern recognition”. Examining when it is effective and when it falls short. It then transitions to discussing the evolving nature of public markets, inspired by another of Mauboussin’s recent research reports titled “Birth, Death, and Wealth Creation.”

Latest articles

The Market
Peter Stæhr

Sunshine or rain? Guide To The Markets Q3 2024

With many of us heading to the beach, it might be a time to lean back take a broad view of the global markets. To do so, we use three different indicators to measure the temperature and assess if markets are currently cheap or expensive.

The current market

The market

Follow the current stock and bond market

Financial calendar

Keep an eye on upcoming economic indicators

Borsgade investment philosophy

There are countless ways to invest and even more aspects to keep in mind if your investments are to be successful. We have compiled the most important principles for the individual long-term investor.

Make a plan for your investments

Find companies with a higher value than price

Spread your risk

Think like a business owner

Take a long term view and watch your wealth grow

your investment journey

If you have limited experience with stock investing or need input into your existing portfolio, you have come to the right place. In the Learning menu you will find the most important topics that will help you grow on your investment journey.

If you need personalized feedback or want to take your portfolio to the next level, I offer coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs. 

Read more about investment coaching here: