Claus Wiinblad - ATP


Company: ATP || Title: Vicedirektør, Danish Equities

Date of employment: 10+ år (ikke oplyst) || Website:

Claus Wiinblad has been Deputy Director at ATP for more than 10 years, where he is responsible for Danish equities. Danish equities account for approximately half of all listed equities in ATP.

At the beginning of 2022, ATP had a return of +20% per year on its Danish equity portfolio over a 10-year period. In addition to Danish equities, ATP has a broad portfolio of foreign equities, unlisted equities, real estate, bonds, etc.

Investment philosophy

Wiinblad’s approach is fundamental and at times he is also an active investor at general meetings and a member of boards of directors.

Together with his investment colleague, Claus Berner Møller, they have helped oust several chairmen and CEOs, including Vestas and Danske Bank. Perhaps for the same reason, the doors to the top executives are always open when Wiinblad and ATP want to discuss strategy with Danish companies.

Portfolio activity

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