Howard Marks: The future is unusually hazy

In a dialog with the students of INSEAD’s Investment Management Club, Howard Marks answers questions about his investment philosophy, the market right now and much more.

Mario Gabelli: Investing over half a century

Mario Gabelli, CEO of GAMCO Investors, recently attended a conference at Columbia Business School where he talks about how markets have evolved over the years, the art of fundamental analysis and his advice for new investors.

May Invest: Quarterly News Q2 2023

Kurt Kara and the other portfolio managers give an update on the different portfolios in Maj Invest, including the Value Aktier fund.

Bill Nygren: It’s an excellent time to be a traditional value investor

Bill Nygren, Oakmark Funds CIO, talks about their investment in tech companies over the past year. These are not companies that would normally fall into the classic value category, but Nygren explains why these companies suddenly became relevant and how they valued the companies.

Trend following: New ingredient in your overall portfolio?

Despite their history as a value-based investment firm, Cliff Asness and AQR have over time become advocates of combining fundamental analysis with trend following. They have just published an article analyzing Trend Following as a component of an overall portfolio.

Howard Marks: The worst thing you can do as an investor

John Nicola, CEO of Nicola Wealth, talks to Howard Marks, Co-founder and Oaktree Co-Chairman about investment strategies and topics such as growth versus value, deep value, interest rates, beta and alpha in the market and how to build a portfolio against the unknown risks in the market.

Poland Capital: The outlook for Digital Payments

One of the industries that has seen some headwinds lately is the payments industry. Dan Davidowitz from Poland Capitol zooms in on payments and looks at the dominance of Visa and MasterCard and whether their duopoly can be disrupted.

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