Category: Guide to Markets

Sunshine or rain? Guide To Markets Q3 2024

With many of us heading to the beach, it might be a time to lean back take a broad view of the global markets. To do so, we use three different indicators to measure the temperature and assess if markets are currently cheap or expensive.

Guide to markets Q1 2023

The stock market in 2023 The stock market has always had good and bad times. As much as we’d like to forget the bad ones when things are going well,

Guide to markets Q4 2021

At the end of October 2021, the US market (S&P 500) is back at an all-time high of almost 4,500, which is more than 30% above the level before the

Guide to markets Q2 2021

The US market (S&P 500), here in April 2021, is at an all-time high of 4100 and significantly above the level when the Covid-19 pandemic hit in February 2020 (3400).