Category: Intel

Aswath Damodaran: Dealing with age: Intel, walgreens and Starbucks

In this article, Aswath Damodaran, follow up on his latest book on corporate lifecycle by examining three companies: Intel, Walgreens, and Starbucks. Companies that all face challenges as they age, and their growth slows. As Aswath puts is – Aging is inevitable for companies, and we need to better recognize CEOs who manage decline or shrinkage well, rather than just celebrating high growth.

Kurt Kara: Out with Intel, in with J&J

Kurt Kara and the other portfolio managers give a quarterly update on the different portfolios in Maj Invest, including the Value Aktier fund.

What did the gurus buy in Q1 2022?

After a long period of rather limited activity, Buffett is once again in a shopping mood. The market has taken a nice dive from the top, which has created opportunities. In Buffett’s case, this has resulted in a net purchase of $41.4 billion. USD when offsetting the sale of other shares during the period. It’s the largest single-quarter purchase ever.